سكس و فلسفه نه به روايت مخملباف
- من كه نفهميدم حرف حسابت چيه! بالاخره اين وري يا اون وري؟ - بس كه خنگي! بذار به يه زبون ديگه بگم شايد حاليت شد: Love is a crazy thing...even if you don’t admit it, you want to possess someone else totally, impress them to the last cell of their body, you want to know of the most hidden thought in the darkest corner of their soul... you want to dramatize everything...to make it more beautiful and glorious than it is. You want to stubbornly tell yourself that this is a unique thing between you two happening...totally heavenly and perfect. You easily forget that your fellow human beings have also been busy dating and mating for million years... that all men have penises, all women have pussies, all men and women produce salty smelly sweat, all men get their semen released by masturbating and all women get their periods once a month. WE have this urge in ourselves to make a legend out of the least attractive physical functions in our beloved ones. WE get to put so much value on the most ordinary, maybe the most disgusting aspect of our beloved. Crazy, but so human; adorable, I'd say, since we all do it. - هوم، مي فهمم. ولي اونجايي كه تهش مي گي "ادوربل، آيد سِي، سينس وي آل دو ايت» يه كم از حس و حال مي افته. - به درك! همين كه هست! مي خواد خوششون بياد، مي خواد خوششون نياد! ![]() |
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