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Tehran and Tabriz Bazaar traders continue on strike
Tehran and Tabriz Bazaar traders continue on strike
According to news websites, businesses in Tehran's Bazaar remained closed despite reports from presedent of Iran's Trades Council that the Bazaar is back to business as usual.
JARAS website reports that the traders’ strike has even reached the Tabriz Bazaar.
According to JARAS, the strike which started in Tabriz’s rug, shoes and gold traders section has now spread to the rest of the Tabriz Bazaar.
Head of the Trades Council told Fars news agency that the disputes over taxes have now been resolved. He maintained that Bazaar representatives promised him last night that they would open their businesses today. However, news websites report that the Bazaar continues to be shut down and gold traders have kept their stores closed today.
Tehran traders went on strike in protest to new tax policies levied by the government. The strike which began in the gold and fabric sections of Tehran's Bazaar has reportedly reached Bazaar traders in other major cities of Tabriz and Esfahan.
Islamic Republic officials had announced that they had resolved disputes with Bazaar traders earlier as well.
