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Call for boycotting Iran's Fajr Film Festival
Call for boycotting Iran's Fajr Film Festival
A group of Iranian filmmakers have issued a statement calling on their foreign peers to boycott Iran Fajr Film Festival in protest to Iranian government’s violent treatment of the people.
The announcement indicates that the Government-backed Fajr Film Festival is being held at a time when government pressure on people and the artist community has reached a climax.
Twelve foreign films will be screened in the 28th International Fajr Film Festival from Germany, Spain, France and Turkey.
The filmmakers tell their foreign peers: “Your presence in this year’s Fajr Festival will be akin to ignoring the struggles of oppressed people of Iran for their rights.”
According to this statement, some filmmakers have been forced to screen their film in the Festival “against their own wish.”
They add that the time of the Festival which usually coincides with the anniversary of the 1979 Revolution in February has been moved to an earlier date so that foreign guests would not witness any protests.
More protests are anticipated on the anniversary of the 1979 Revolution on February 11.
Prominent figures of Iranian cinema like Ezattollah Entezami, Asghar Farhadi, Fatemeh Davari and Dariush Mehrjui have turned down proposals to participate in the jury panel of the Festival.
