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International labour unions speak out against Iran
International labour unions speak out against Iran
Two international labour organizations have filed a complaint against the Iranian government to condemn their treatment of Haft Tapeh Workers Syndicate.
The chairman of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the chairman of International Union of Food workers have filed a complaint against the government of Iran with the International Labour Organization.
The two international labour organizations have condemned the hostile treatment of labour activists of Haft Tapeh Sugar cane factory syndicate whom they maintain are “illegally” imprisoned and should be released.
Ali Nejati, Fereydoon Nikoufar, Gorban Alipour, Mohammad Heidarimehr and Jalil Ahmadi are members of Haft Tapeh Workers Syndicate who have been imprisoned for leading labour disputes over non-payment of the workers wages and bad working conditions.
The Haft Tapeh workers union is an independent union established by the workers in 2008 in Khouzestan with 5000 members. The Union is a member of the international workers union, IUF.
In October, Haft Tapeh Workers Syndicate wrote a letter to ILO to seek its assistance to stop the prosecution of its executive members by the Islamic Republic.
