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Iran media report Hajjarian content in prison
Iran media report Hajjarian content in prison

Saeed Hajjarian
Fars News Agency published a text by Saeed Hajjarian, senior member of Islamic Iran Participation Front, to express “his satisfaction about his condition in prison.” Hajjarian, who gave the most controversial testimony in the mass trial of the post-election protesters by recanting all his life work and writings as a reform ideologue, was arrested following the June presidential elections in Iran and has been in prison for almost three months.
In the said text allegedly released to the media on “Mr. Hajjarian’s request”, he completely denies “being hospitalized, being subjected to harsh forms of torture or given mind-altering drugs.”
Hajjarian, who survived a suicide attempt about nine years ago, is physically disabled. Zeinab Hajjarian, his daughter, has told Rooz on-line that his father is kept for hours under 40 to 42°C and then taken in only to be showered with ice.
In a letter to Ayatollah Mousavi Ardebili, she also reveals that her mother is under severe pressure by government inquisitors and his father has told them: “I have followed your dictates and announced that my situation in prison is satisfactory. Why don’t you leave my family alone?”
The text related to Hajjarian expresses his gratitude to the prison guards for giving him showers and doing his laundry since caring for a disabled person is no easy task. It also says the new grounds he has been transferred to is very “pleasant and refreshing.” The text also informs of getting water- therapy sessions with a “compassionate instructor” and excellent food.
Vajiheh Marsousi, Hajarrian’s spouse told Etemad daily on August 31: “Those who insist that Mr. Hajjarian’s declarations are not coerced and he is in fact being waited on and cared for in prison, why didn’t they then hold their talks with him outside prison?”
Iranian authorities have charged Hajjarian with threatening national security, fraud in the elections, foreign ties and undermining the government as well as cooperating with foreign and Iranian anti-revolutionary media and insulting the supreme leader and government officials.
