Friday, December 17, 2010
Radio Zamaneh in English
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Former Iranian president urges authorities to end restrictions
Former Iranian president urges authorities to end restrictions

Mohammad Khatami
Former Iranian president, Mohammad Khatami urged the authorities to let the Islamic Republic pass through the “threats and restrictions” into an atmosphere of “safety and freedom.”
Mohammad Khatami’s website reports that, on Tuesday the former president met with the families of political prisoners who were visiting him in protest to state violation of prisoner rights.
According to this report, Khatami emphasized that the constitution "should be the basis of everyone’s actions especially the government.”
He once more advised the authorities to assure the public about free and healthy elections and work toward inclusive policies in the society.
Khatami maintained that the 1979 Revolution was based on “freedom of speech and criticism of those in power.” He added: “This is how we wanted the Islamic Republic. We believe in morality and spirituality as well as Islamic and human values especially regarding our leaders, for without these values, power ends up in the valley of corruption.”
Families of political prisoners told the former president about restrictions on telephone calls, visits and furloughs, as well as lack of medical and hygiene facilities and mistreatment of the families of the prisoners in addition to the prisoners themselves.
The Islamic Republic has arrested numerous political and social activists in the past year and a half, to quell the protest to the disputed victory of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2009.
Many of these prisoners have issued letters to complain about the use of torture in their interrogations.
The judiciary has denied the charges and refused to address the concerns of these prisoners.