Friday, December 17, 2010
Publish date: November 28 • Printable version    

The Green Wave screens in Berlin festival

The Green Wave

The Green Wave by Ali Samadi Ahadi will be screened at Around the World in 14 Films Festival in Berlin.

The Green Wave combines animation with films recorded by Iranian citizens on their cell phones during the street protests in order to visualize the events that followed the controversial re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2009 which protesters claim was fraudulent.

While actual documentary footage for the protests tell the story, sections of the story such as those at Evin Prison and abuse of detainees at Kahrizak Prison are done in animation to fill the gaps in the protest movement of the past year and a half that has come to be known as the Green Movement.

The Green Wave will be screened on December third at 7:30 pm at Babylon Theatre.

The film also includes interviews with Iranian social activists such as Shirin Ebadi, Nobel Peace laureate and Shadi Sadre, Iranian lawyer and activist who had to leave Iran after the disputed elections of 2009. Payam Akhavan, former legal adviser to the Chief Prosecutor at The Hague is another interviewee.

film site

THE GREEN WAVE teaser (ENGLISH) from Jan Krueger on Vimeo.

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