Friday, December 17, 2010
Radio Zamaneh in English
Latest News
Iranian lawyer, Sotoudeh, on dry hunger strike
Iranian lawyer, Sotoudeh, on dry hunger strike

Nasrin Sotoudeh
Detained Iranian lawyer and human rights activist, Nasrin Sotoudeh, has been on a dry hunger strike since last Sunday and is reported to be in ill health.
Sotoudeh started her strike again in protest to her situation in prison and the legal proceedings brought against her.
Reports indicate that Sotoudeh’s family tried to visit her today. While the prison authorities stopped her husband from seeing her, her sister and two minor children were allowed to meet with her.
Her family reported that she was extremely weakened and her children were overtaken with bouts of weeping upon seeing her.
Sotoudeh broke her first hunger strike after numerous political and social activists urged her to do so in concern for her health. She had said earlier that she would resort to another hunger strike if her situation remained the same.
Reportedly Tehran Prosecutor visited Nasrin Sotoudeh and another 16 prisoners some days ago at Evin Prison to hear the issues and concerns of the prisoners.
Sotoudeh’s renewed hunger strike would indicate that the visit did not yield any favourable results.
Nasrin Sotoudeh was the defence attorney for a number of social and political activists in the post-election events of the past year and half. She was arrested on September 3 and was reported to be under severe pressure with regard to her connections with the Iranian Nobel Peace laureate, Shirin Ebadi and her organization, Human Rights Defenders Centre.
Sotoudeh is charged with “activities against national security and propaganda against the Islamic Republic.”