Friday, December 17, 2010
Radio Zamaneh in English
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Iranian reformists press charges against Revolutionary Guards
Iranian reformists press charges against Revolutionary Guards

Seven members of Iranian reformist parties Islamic Iran Participation Front and Mujahedin of Islamic Revolution issued a letter to the head of judiciary, Ayatollah Larijani and head of judicial branch of the armed forces, Mohammad Kazem Bahrami to press charges against a group of military and intelligence officers.
The letter which was published in opposition websites today and signed by reformist leaders Mohsen Aminzadeh, Mostafa Tajzadeh, Abdollah Ramzanzadeh, Feizollah Arabsorkhi, Mohsen Safai-Farahani, Mohsen Mirdamadi and Behzad Nabavi, names an individual called “Commander Moshfeq”, who is apparently the senior intelligence officer at Sarallah Base.
On July 22, an audio file surfaced revealing the voice of the individual that the letter identifies as “Commander Moshfeq” talking in a security meeting and explaining methods of identifying and dealing with opposition forces in the aftermath of the controversial presidential elections of 2009.
However, in June, Javan newspaper, which is a Revolutionary Guards daily, had already published some of the statements uttered by “Commander Moshfeq” in the audio file which surfaced later.
Signatories of the letter to the head of judiciary and head of the judicial branch of the military maintain that Commander Moshfeq’s statements are “proof of illegal actions of a despotic group in the course of elections and the coup d’etat through election.”
The Sarallah Base is an Iran Revolutionary Guards Corps’ base for handling security issues of the capital and other cities of Tehran Province.
The opposition contends that the 2009 presidential election was rigged in order to secure Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s victory.
Disputing presidential candidates, Mehdi Karroubi and MirHosein Mousavi have repeatedly accused the IRGC of interfering in the 2009 elections.
Iranian establishment denies the charges and accuses the opposition of fomenting sedition.
The seven members of Iran’s reformist parties claim that a military and intelligence group planned the “omission or defeat” of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s opponents as soon as their presence in the presidential race was approved.
Pointing to the presence of the said audio file, they add: “According to this document, the speech reveals that this group has taken its illegal actions, which are also against the late Ayatollah Khomeini’s ideals, in the name of the current leadership. The speaker in the file repeatedly attributes his statements to the Supreme Leader and justifies his statement by referring to approval of the leader.”
The letter goes on to bring nine charges of various forms of interference in the 2009 presidential elections against the commanders of Sarallah Base.