Friday, December 17, 2010
Radio Zamaneh in English
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Protests against Dutch TV's invitation to head of Iranian TV
Protests against Dutch TV's invitation to head of Iranian TV

Head of Iran's National television, Ezzatollah Zarghami
An official invitation extended to head of Islamic Republic’s national television network, Seda va Sima by Dutch national television network drew widespread protests in the Netherlands.
NOS television network has made an invitation to Ezatollah Zarghami to visit this television network on Monday July 5.
A copy of the NOS invitation was given to Radio Zamaneh by a Dutch source who did not want to be identified.
The letter also indicates that NOS staff was planning on attending a dinner at the Islamic Republic in The Hague. However, latest reports indicate that the dinner has been cancelled.
Dutch and Iranian students and human rights activist in Netherlands demonstrated widespread protests against the NOS invitation to Ezatollah Zarghami.
Iranian Progressive Youth Association issued a statement today condemning the NOS invitation saying: “Seda va Sima of the Islamic Republic had a major role in covering up the suppression of protesters following the recent presidential elections and also matters concerning the arrest and torture of protesters…the Islamic Republic television network has refused to give air time to protesters and its director has been appointed by the Supreme leader who has had the largest role in the violent suppression of people…”
NOS headquarters are located at Hilversum and a group of Iranian protesters staged demonstrations in front of their building after attaining a protest permit from the authorities.
Islamic Republic Embassy’s spokesman in The Hague and NOS television network have so far not responded to Radio Zamaneh requests for further clarification of the matter.