Friday, December 17, 2010
Radio Zamaneh in English
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Ahmadinejad appeals to Guardian Council against Parliament
Ahmadinejad appeals to Guardian Council against Parliament

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a letter to Ayatollah Janati, Secretary-General of Iran’s Guardian Council claimed that three bills passed by the Islamic Parliament are in “violation of the law.”
He listed the three legislations as follows: “plan to make changes to the law of development and support of housing, plan for admission of students in vocational and technical schools as well as teachers colleges, and finally miscellaneous accessions to budgets approved by the parliament without observing provisions set forth in the Islamic Republic Constitution.”
In his letter as published in ILNA, Ahmadinejad warns that the Parliament should not interfere in the responsibilities of the executive branch.
According to Islamic Republic Constitution, the Guardian Council is in charge of identifying discrepancies in parliament’s legislations.
Ahmadinejad’s complaints come two days after the Speaker of the Parliament, Ali Larijani, accused Ahmadinejad administration of acting against the law.
Earlier Fars news agency reported that Ahmadinejad claims the parliament has passed 130 illegal bills. While the office of the president has denied this statement, Fars claims to have the audio file of Ahamdinejad’s declarations.
The Islamic Republic Parliament has challenged Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for its refusal to show more accountability especially in the controversial plan to cut government subsidies and Ahmadinejad has lashed back with accusations against the legislative branch.