Friday, December 17, 2010
Radio Zamaneh in English
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Rahnavard condemns government pressure on her family
Rahnavard condemns government pressure on her family

Zahra Rahnavard
In an interview with Le Monde, Zahra Rahnavard declared that she is ready to sacrifice her life for freedom, but if her family fall victim to “serious difficulties and conspiracies” the Islamic Republic government must be held responsible.
She went on to report that the heads of the opposition, including her husband, MirHosein Mousavi, are being subjected to fierce pressure through various methods by Iran’s security and judiciary bodies.
Rahnavard maintained that the government is trying to avoid arresting these leaders because “it does not want to provoke the people”; however, it is repeatedly subjecting the opposition leaders to various forms of pressure.
She added that MirHosein Mousavi will not bend to such pressures and will pursue his demands “with steadfast steps.”
Zahra Rahnavard also maintained that the Green Movement is what the people of Iran want and she described the demands of the Movement as “freedom, the rule of law and democracy.”
She added: “The Green Movement is not a seditious movement; it is a reform movement. It is an expression of our civil society and its actions are all peaceful, even if the adversary uses weapons and violence.”
Rahanavard declared: “Unfortunately the government is only concerned about being in power and keeping the country under complete control.”
Zahra Rahanvard was chosen as the third most influential global thinker by Foreign Policy magazine in 2009.
The political scientist and university professor was described by Foreign Policy as the “brains behind Iran’s Green Revolution and the campaign of her husband, opposition leader MirHossein Mousavi.”