Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Radio Zamaneh in English
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Iranian hardliner urges greater diplomacy with protesters
Iranian hardliner urges greater diplomacy with protesters

Mohammad Reyshahri
Former representative of Ayatollah Khamanei and Supervisor of Iranian Pilgrims, Mohammad ReyShahri condemned both extremism and neglect in dealing with recent protests.
In his valediction ceremony, Mohammad ReyShahri who has been the Supervisor of Iranian Pilgrims for over 18 years, said: “It is no accomplishment to turn a martyr’s family into supporters of a coup. Transforming coup organizers into martyrs is the real accomplishment.”
Ryeshahri who was also Minister of Intelligence for five years in the 80s, added: “We must manage things so that if someone supports Velayat-e Faghih (Supreme Leadership of an expert cleric) only 10 percent and is against it 90 percent, we add to that 10 percent rather than completely destroying that 10 percent.”
While emphasizing that cooperating with the Supreme Leader is an absolute must, he also added that “it is no accomplishment to turn our friends into enemies. The true accomplishment is to transform those who oppose us into friends.”
Such harsh criticism of government treatment of protesters from an Islamic Republic hardliner is unprecedented. In the past six months, hardliners have mostly accused opposition leaders of “sedition” and called for their arrest and prosecution.