Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Radio Zamaneh in English
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Iranian authorities stall on demonstration permit
Iranian authorities stall on demonstration permit

ILNA - Morteza Tamaddon
Tehran Premier, Morteza Tamaddon announced today that for the protection of the memory and ideals of Ayatollah Khomeini, it is not necessary to stage “demonstrations; it suffices to issue a statement.
Mr. Tamddon’s declaration was in response to opposition leaders and reformist organizations calling for a permit to stage demonstrations in support “of Ayatollah Khomeini’s ideals.”
Combatant Clerics Association, as well as MirHosein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi announced yesterday that they will put in an application at the Ministry of Interior for the demonstrations.
Mr. Tamaddon announced that when they received a written application, decisions will be made by considering the reasons for the application.
Majid Ansari, spokesman for the Combatant Clerics told IRNA today that on Monday he put in a written application for the permit in person at the premier’s office. They have also put in an application in the Ministry of Interior.
Iran’s National Television, Seda va Sima broadcast images of the founder of the Revolution being torn on December 7, during National Students Day events.
Both the reformist and conservative camps have condemned the action and accused the other of the act.
To prove their full support for Ayatollah Khomeini, reformist are trying to stage the said demonstrations with the permission of the ministry in order to avoid violent altrecations.